#Rains in #Mumbai have never been #good. Lugging in the #water filled roads and bumping over the pot holes hurts me. It happens every year and this year was no exception when the #rains started. Soon people scurried inside as the #water levels rose at Mahim. These were also the times when sea rises to meet the water level of the roads. Although I have always #loved the rains , the #freshness they bring, the break they give from the #pollution and for the #cooling effect , the #heavy downpours used to get me stranded .
It happened , the two wheeler slowly chugged off and I was underwater. Ouch, the scooter toppled and I was inside along with the scooter. I woke up to find myself at a Garage repair shop .The scooter had been dismantled , I was lying uncared till I was whisked away with few other #tyres to a #designer workshop.
They guys did not look menacing and it seemed they knew their job. They selected the better of us who were without scratches and still remained #shining . In few hours I was headed for a complete #makeover. I was #repurposed into among the fifty #planters that got completed in the day. We were #largely categorised into three #sizes.
During the course of that week we were placed in a #garden pathway. Lined #neatly , there were some #decorations that created #special #effects. I guess some #landscaping artist also got involved in the work. It was an #amazing #transformation on the day and #sunshine too was back and we became part of the beautiful #landscape. Each of us supported the #plants that created the #Garden effects
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